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Database exists but is unaccessible



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Database <databasename> exists but it is unaccessible.

Applies to: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3 Standard Edition, HP OpenView Storage Data Protector.


Error Message.

When we were trying to backup all databases on a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 instance using HP OpenView Storage Data Protector, we received the following error on the HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Manager:

Single Session Report

Cell Manager: cellsrvr.codomain.com

Creation Date: 02/02/2009 02:56:41 PM

Session Information

Specification: MSSQL mssql_dbserver
Session ID: 2009/02/01-40
Type: Backup
Session Owner: root.sys@cellsrvr.codomain.com
Status: Completed/Errors
Mode: trans
Start Time: 02/01/2009 03:00:21 AM
Queuing: 0:00
Duration: 0:02
GB Written: 0.02
# Media: 1
# Errors: 4
# Warnings: 8

Success: 100%

No objects failed.

Report Messages Other Than Normal [Common]:

[Minor] From: OB2BAR_Main@dbserver.codomain.com "(DEFAULT)" Time: 2/1/2009 3:08:19 AM
Database DBName1 exists but it is unaccessible.

[Minor] From: OB2BAR_Main@dbserver.codomain.com "(DEFAULT)" Time: 2/1/2009 3:08:19 AM
Database DBName2 exists but it is unaccessible.

[Minor] From: OB2BAR_Main@dbserver.codomain.com "(DEFAULT)" Time: 2/1/2009 3:08:19 AM
Database DBName3 exists but it is unaccessible.

[Minor] From: OB2BAR_Main@dbserver.codomain.com "(DEFAULT)" Time: 2/1/2009 3:08:19 AM
Database DBName4 exists but it is unaccessible.



HP Data Protector is trying to backup databases that are "offline". Probably, that's because you selected to make backup of the whole SQL Server instance (server) instead of selecting one by one each database you want to include in the backup specification.



A possible solution, could be selecting one by one each database you want to include in your backup specification, leaving aside offline databases and mirror databases.



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