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Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Backup Compression Feature
- Supported only in SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition and later.
How to install SQL Server
2008 (Katmai)
- Katmai CTP November 2007 installation.
How to install SQL Server 2008 Release
Candidate 0 (RC 0)
SQL Server 2008 RC0.
- How to install SQL Server 2008 R2
SQL Server 2008 R2 November CTP.
New Spatial Data Types
- SQL Server 2008 will be the first version of SQL Server to support spatial
data and spatial operations natively.
Performance Data Collector
- SQL Server 2008 introduces Performance Data Collector a new component of
SQL Server Management Studio for satisfying our performance data needs for
tuning SQL Server instances.
- Policy Based Management -
Enforcing Recovery Model Full
- Using Declarative Management Framework in SQL Server 2008 (Katmai) CTP
November 2007.
Preventing Undesired Actions Using
- Using Declarative Management Framework in SQL Server 2008 (Katmai) CTP
November 2007.
Report Designer Preview
- Report Designer Preview is a stand-alone client to author reports with new
features such as the Tablix data region and the expanded Chart data region.
SQL Server 2008 - New Data
- SQL Server 2008 introduces new data types, here you will find some
benefits and limitations of these data types.
Three DMVs that arrived with SQL Server
2008 R2 SP1
sys.dm_server_memory_dumps, sys.dm_server_services, sys.dm_server_registry.
Transact-SQL Query Editor
- The Transact-SQL Editor now includes the IntelliSense functionality such
as word completion and error underlining..
Transparent Data Encryption
- Transparent Data Encryption allows to encrypt data at the database level
without the need for application changes.
Upgrading One Edition To Another Edition
Available options for upgrading to a different edition of SQL Server 2008.