Invalid Microsoft Operations Manager Database Version.
Applies to: System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) 2007 R2, SQL Server 2008.
Problem Description.
We planned to install System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) 2007 R2 on a
new server from scratch but having the SCOM database on another server dedicated
for SQL Server 2008. The main reason for this design was to improve performance
and scalability.
Prior to running setup we created the SCOM database on the SQL Server 2008
dedicated server, but while running SCOM setup on the new server, we
received the following error:
Invalid Microsoft Operations Manager Database Version
Setup found that the Microsoft Operations Manager database version on the
specified database server is not the same as the current product version.
To continue setup, go back and either change the database server name or upgrade
the SC database on the specified server to the current version.

We ran SCOM setup on the SQL Server 2008 database server first and chose to
install only the database component. When the installation on the database
server finished, we ran SCOM setup on the new server but we chose to install the
Management Server component and the User Interfaces component only. This means
we did not select to install the database component because it was installed on
another server and we did not select the Web Console component because we were
not interested on installing that component.