Error connecting to VMware vCenter Update Manager.
Applies to: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, VMware vCenter Server 4.1.
Problem Description.
We rebooted the server where VMware vCenter is installed as application and
when we tried to open the vSphere Client we received the following error
vSphere Client
There was an error connecting to VMware vCenter Update Manager -
Database temporarily unavailable or has network problems.

This error led us to think there was an issue with the database instance where
the VMware vSphere database was installed. However, there was nothing wrong with
the SQL Server instance.
We opened the Service applet, by making a click on the Start menu, a click on Run, and
then we typed "Services.msc" and hit Enter. There we found that the "SQL Server
(SQLEXP_VIM)" service was not started.
We started the "SQL Server (SQLEXP_VIM)" service" and the error disappeared.