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Backups with EMC Networker Finish with Error 3041



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Backups with EMC Networker Finish with Error 3041.

Applies to: SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition, EMC (Legato) Networker.

Problem Description.

The Backup Administrator at my work requested some help from me because Networker backup was failing to backup just one database of a SQL Server instance dedicated to a SharePoint 2010 implementation, backups of all the other databases on that instance were executing successfully except for that database. I could not find any reason for the failure, but I found the following errors on the SQL Server error log:

Date 11/21/2013 12:59:07 AM
Log SQL Server (Current - 11/22/2013 1:13:00 AM)

Source Backup

Error: 3041, Severity: 16, State: 1.


Date 11/21/2013 12:59:07 AM
Log SQL Server (Current - 11/22/2013 1:13:00 AM)

Source Backup

BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP LOG SharePoint_Config. Check the backup application log for detailed messages.

On the operating system's event logs, we also found the following error:

SQLVDI: Loc=SignalAbort. Desc=Client initiates abort. ErrorCode=(0). Process=5160. Thread=3732. Client. Instance=. VD=Global\Legato#8cf989f7-03c3-4e33-9ec1-c13b8e292432_SQLVDIMemoryName_0.


Everything went back to normal when we ran a full backup and then ran an incremental backup (Log Backup).



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