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Report Server has encountered a SharePoint error



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Report Server has encountered a SharePoint error.

Applies to: SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition, SharePoint Server 2010

Problem Description.

Sharepoint users in our organization were complaining about the following Report Server error when they were trying to access one of our SharePoint portals.

Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
Report Server has encountered a SharePoint error. (rsSharePointError)
The context has expired and can no longer be used. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80090317)
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors.


This error is not caused by a SQL Server Reporting Services malfunction. The real cause was the time zone was not set for the Web application on SharePoint.


The following resource provided us the steps to set the time zone for the Web application on SharePoint.

How to change the time zone for Sharepoint 2010 Central Admin, Web Application and Sites.

The procedure is the following:

 1. Go to Central Admin - Application Management - Under Web Applications, select Manage Web Applications.

2. Select the web application required, and on the ribbon select General Settings - General Settings.

3. In the new window, select the default time zone required.




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