The AcquireConnection method failed 0xC001404.
Applies to: SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition, SQL Server Data Tools 2012.
Problem Description.
One of my students downloaded the "Samples for SQL Server 2012 Creating a
Simple ETL Package and Deploying Packages tutorials", created a SSIS project on
SSDT 2012 and added to the SSIS project the Lesson1 SSIS package that came with
the samples. When he tried to run Lesson 1 package he received the following
error message
TITLE: Package Validation Error
Package Validation Error
Error at Extract Sample Currency Data [Lookup Currency Key [27]]: SSIS Error
method call to the connection manager "localhost.AdventureWorksDW2012" failed
with error code 0xC0014041. There may be error messages posted before this with
more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
Error at Extract Sample Currency Data [SSIS.Pipeline]: Lookup Currency Key
failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.
Error at Extract Sample Currency Data [SSIS.Pipeline]: One or more component
failed validation.
Error at Extract Sample Currency Data: There were errors during task validation.
Error at Lesson 1: The connection manager "localhost.AdventureWorksDW2012" will
not acquire a connection because the connection manager OfflineMode property is
TRUE. When the OfflineMode is TRUE, connections cannot be acquired.

The Lesson1 SSIS package is designed to use an OLEDB connection to the
AdventureWorksDW2012 database that should have "localhost.AdventureWorksDW2012"
as name. This means the above error is related to a missing OLEDB connection to
a SQL Server database.
To make the connection required by the Lesson1 package, please perform the
following steps:
1. Make a right click on Connection Managers, select "New Connection Manager".

2. Make a click on OLDB and click the Add button.

3. On the "Configure OLD DB Connection Manager" dialog, make a click on the New

4. On the Connection Manager dialog, type localhost on the "Server name" combox
and type AdventureWorksDW2012 on the "Select or enter a database name:" combo
box, then click on the OK button.

5. Click the OK button.

You may need to update the "Sample Flat File Source Data" connection with the
location of the SampleCurrencyData.txt file too, for the Lesson1 package be able
to run properly. Make right click on the connection and select the Edit option.
Then click the Browse button and provide the current location of the file on
your computer.