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SQL Server Migration Assistant - Timeout Expired



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SQL Server Migration Assistant - Timeout Expired.

Applies to: SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle and Sybase.

Problem Description.

When you migrate large databases from Oracle or Sybase to Microsoft SQL Server using SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) you may find that small tables are migrated with no issues but large tables of 10 million records or more fail at the end of migration process. SSMA reports progress on the number of records migrated for those large tables until the very end when the following message is received and no records are migrated:

"Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding".

Adjusting the "Data Migration Timeout" setting (Project settings-> General -> Migration) did not have any effect. We changed this setting to the maximum 1440.


The cause of the error may be related to a known bug. The fix is available on KB913177.


Adjusting the "Batch Size" (Project settings-> General -> Migration) did the trick for us. Adjust the setting to 5000, if you still see the timeouts, adjust the setting to 1000.




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