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SQL Agent Data Sync cannot be removed



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SQL Agent Data Sync cannot be removed.

Applies to: SQL Azure Database, Microsoft SQL Server.

Problem Description.

You are using SQL Data Sync to synchronize an on-premises database to SQL Azure, you then uninstall the agent tools on the computer, and then you try to clean up any synchronization data before setting up a new agent,  but get the following error message appears:

"This agent cannot be removed because one more more databases are still associated with it. Please remove the databases associated with the agent and then try again. TracingId=bf4e192b-35ac-38e9-b734-0672935641bc".


One workaround is trying to install the SQL Data Sync agent on another machine, re-generate key from Azure portal from the previous agent record, and register with the new agent.

Another workaround is trying to reinstall the SQL Data Sync Agent on the computer, regenerate the key, unregistered the database, then try to delete agent key.




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