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SSMS Error 1321 Installer has insufficient privileges



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SSMS Error 1321 Installer has insufficient privileges.

Applies to: SQL Server Management Studio version 17.

Problem Description.

A user was not able to install SQL Server Management Studio on a computer with SQL Server 2016 installed and examining the logs he found the following errors:

[1DDC:0D1C][2017-05-05T01:54:45]e000: BootstrapperEngineDataModel.OnError: Burn engine encountered error. PackageId: sqlncli.msi, ErrorType: WindowsInstaller, ErrorCode: 1321, Data: 1321,C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\1033\sqlnclir11.rll,5, ErrorMessage: The Installer has insufficient privileges to modify this file: C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\1033\sqlnclir11.rll., UIHint: 2
[1DDC:0D1C][2017-05-05T01:54:45]i000: MainViewModel.AddFailedCondition: Error: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client : The Installer has insufficient privileges to modify this file: C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\1033\sqlnclir11.rll.
[1DDC:0D1C][2017-05-05T01:54:45]e000: MainViewModel.OnPackageError: setup failed for packageId: sqlncli.msi, package: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client , errorCode: 1321, errorMessage: The Installer has insufficient privileges to modify this file: C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\1033\sqlnclir11.rll.



Please perform the following steps:

1. Please run setup with the "Run as Administrator" option.

2. Take ownership of the file involved, in this case sqlnclir11.rll. Use the following article to take ownership of the file:


3. Rename the file with a .old extension and then re-run the setup program.




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