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Error 2812 Could not find proc_ECM_CleanupChangeLog



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SQL Server 2008
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Error 2812 Could not find proc_ECM_CleanupChangeLog.

Applies to: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.

Problem Description.

After the migration of a SharePoint Farm to Azure IaaS, I started to collect the following error on SQL Server.

Error: 2812, Severity: 16, State: 62 .Net SqlClient Data Provider SP_Farm
Could not find stored procedure 'proc_ECM_CleanupChangeLog'. .Net SqlClient Data Provider SP_Farm

On the SharePoint Log the following error may be found:

Unexpected Sql exception raw message: Could not find stored procedure 'proc_ECM_CleanupChangeLog'. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Could not find stored procedure 'proc_ECM_CleanupChangeLog'.


I shared these errors with the SharePoint Administrator. He told me he needs to rebuild the Managed Metadata Service Application to eradicate those error messages.



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