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Msg 46721 Create External Data Login Failed



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Msg 46721 Create External Data Source Login Failed.

Applies to: Microsoft SQL Server 2019, Azure SQL Database

Date created: February 29, 2020.

Problem Description.

I was trying to make all the configuration required to use Polybase external tables to query an Azure SQL Database. I had installed Polybase already and enable it on the server, and after that I proceeded to create a master key and a database credential successfully. However, when I tried to create the External Data Source the following error came up:

Msg 46721, Level 20, State 1, Line 1
Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Integrated authentication.




This error is a regression on SQL Server 2019 Cumulative 1 and RTM version. This will be fixed on a future cumulative update for SQL Server 2019.

This error occurs when you run the CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE statement logged in as an active directory account or a Windows local account.



Install the latest SQL Server 2019 cumulative update to see if this has been fixed.

If this has not been fixed on the latest cumulative update then log in using a SQL Server login and run the statement again.

I was logged in with the following local Windows account on my workstation. I disconnected the account from the SQL Server instance.

Then I logged in to my SQL Server 2019 instance using the sa SQL login.

And I was able now to run the CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE statement successfully.





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