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Exit code (Decimal) -2068119551 Cannot find registry key



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SQL Server 2008
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SQL Server 2019

Exit code (Decimal): -2068119551 Cannot find registry key.

Applies to: SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition

Date created: January 17, 2021.

Problem Description.

A user trying to install SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition gets the following error from SQL Server setup program:

Overall summary:
Final result: Failed: see details below
Exit code (Decimal): -2068119551
Exit facility code: 1211
Exit error code: 1
Exit message: Cannot find registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\150\ConfigurationState
Start time: 2021-01-01 18:04:13
End time: 2021-01-01 18:06:26
Requested action: Install

Setup completed with required actions for features.
Troubleshooting information for those features:
Next step for SQLEngine: Use the following information to resolve the error, uninstall this feature, and then run the setup process again.
Next step for Writer: SQL Server Setup was canceled before completing the operation. Try the setup process again.

Another relevant part of SQL Server setup logs are shown below:

Exception type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.Sco.ScoException
Cannot find registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\150\ConfigurationState'.
HResult : 0x84bb0001
FacilityCode : 1211 (4bb)
ErrorCode : 1 (0001)

DisableWatson = true
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.Sco.FeatureRegistration.SetFeatureFlag(String machine, String featureId, String flagName, String registryKey, Object flagState, RegistryView cpuView)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.Sco.FeatureRegistration.SetFeatureConfigState(String featureId, ConfigurationState configState, String version, RegistryView cpuView)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.UpgradeIncompleteFeatureConfigEventHandler.MarkFeatureConfigured(FeatureId featureId, ConfigActionScenario scenario, Dictionary`2 actionData, String instanceId, Boolean keepFailedState)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.UpgradeIncompleteFeatureConfigEventHandler.FeatureConfigurationExecutionEventHandler(Object sender, FeatureConfigScenarioEventArgs eventArgs, Boolean runValidation, Boolean featureFailed)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.UpgradeIncompleteFeatureConfigEventHandler.FeatureConfigurationExecutionEventHandler(Object sender, Object[] objectArray)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.NotificationHandler.Invoke(Object notification, Object[] objectArray)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.NotificationService.OnNotify(Object eventKey, Object notification, Object[] objectArray)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.ConfigExtension.ConfigFeatureActionListener.InFeatureConfigurationExecutionEventHandler(ActionKey key, TextWriter loggingStream)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionMetadata.NotifyInExecution(ActionKey actionRunning, TextWriter loggingStream)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionInvocation.ExecuteActionHelper(ActionWorker workerDelegate)



You can uninstall SQL Server and then install it again by using the following steps:

  1. Uninstall SQL Server as explained on Microsoft documentation [here].
  2. If you are unable to uninstall SQL Server, then try to manually uninstall it using the steps provided on this article.
  3. Disable any antivirus/security program. If you can uninstall it temporarily, that is even better. Security programs are often responsible of this type of SQL Server installation issues.
  4. Make sure you right click on setup.exe file and select run as administrator when you want to start the SQL Server installation. Alternatively, you can try to enable the Administrator account on Windows 10 (as explained here) and use it to install SQL Server again.





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